Crystal guide



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Soothe, Sleep, Spirituality

Amethyst is a powerful go-to crystal that soothes, calms and balances the mind and body. It dispels anxiety, anger, fear and sadness and brings emotions back to centre. Amethyst is beneficial in aiding restful sleep, working against insomnia by quieting an overactive mind, preventing recurrent nightmares and helping to remember dreams and make sense of their messages. Amethyst can also enhance mental focus, imagination and creativity. It’s thought to boost the immune system and promote overall wellness and can help ease stress and emotional pain as well as physical pain such as headaches and neck pain. Amethyst carries a high spiritual vibration and connects with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras to enhance spiritual awareness, intuition and inner wisdom.



Serenity, Communication, Resilience

Aquamarine, the stone of tranquillity, has a calming and soothing energy that reduces anxiety and stress while promoting a sense of serenity and peace, making it a perfect meditation crystal. It opens and balances the Throat Chakra to support easy and effective communication, self-expression, confidence, empathy and understanding. Aquamarine is believed to have physical healing properties as well, particularly for the throat, lungs, and respiratory systems. Spiritually it’s thought to enhance one's intuition and psychic abilities, helping to enhance clarity and insight. Aquamarine can also work to promote courage, strength, and resilience, helping one to face challenges and overcome obstacles.



Introspection, Higher guidance,
Emotional growth

Astrophyllite is considered a stone of spiritual transformation and resonates strongly with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. It is associated with enhancing self-reflection and introspection and is believed to stimulate the mind, deepen self-awareness, and promote access to inner wisdom and higher guidance. Garnet also helps to expand consciousness, enhance psychic abilities, and promote spiritual insight. Emotionally, it is believed that Astrophyllite can support during times of stress, anxiety, or grief, helping to release old patterns, negative emotions, and emotional blockages to allow for emotional growth and healing.

Black Agate

Black Agate

Grounding, Shielding, Strength

Black Agate is a grounding and stabilising crystal that works with the Root Chakra to create a sense of stability and balance in one's life. It promotes inner strength and is often used as a protective talisman against negative energies and psychic attacks. Black Agate is believed to create a shield around the wearer, helping to repel negativity and provide a sense of security. It can also have a calming influence on emotions and help soothe emotional trauma. Black Agate can also assist in releasing negative emotions, such as anger or bitterness. Physically, it’s believed to support overall well-being, enhance stamina, and promote physical strength.

Black Moonstone

Black Moonstone

Protection, Grounding, Spirituality

Black Moonstone is the grounding and protective sister of all the Moonstone varieties. It resonates with the Root Chakra, opening and balancing to create a sense of security, stability and inner strength. Black Moonstone also works with other energy centres of the body to support spiritual awakening, intuition, psychic abilities and a sense of oneness with the Universe. It’s thought to be a highly protective stone that can shield from negative energies and psychic attacks. It is said to create a barrier between the self and any harmful energies that may be present in the environment. Black Moonstone can also help to release negative emotions such as anger, fear, and anxiety, and replace them with a sense of calmness and clarity.

Black Sunstone

Black Sunstone

Grounding, Protection, Courage

Black Sunstone is the grounding and protective sister of all the Sunstone varieties. It works with the Root Chakra to help to keep you grounded and focused, while also providing a shield against negative energy. Black Sunstone helps to heal emotional wounds and release negative emotions such as anger, fear, and resentment, replacing them with positivity, courage, and self-confidence. It’s believed to boost the immune system and alleviate various physical ailments, such as headaches, stomach problems, and fatigue. Black Sunstone is known to stimulate creativity and inspiration and helps unlock creative potential and courage to pursue your passions. Black Sunstone enhances connection with your higher self and the Divine, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Bloodshot Iolite

Bloodshot Iolite

Inner strength, Manifestation, Protection

Bloodshot Iolite is an incredible combination stone with red, pink or copper-toned metallic inclusions of Hematite, Lepidochrosite or Sunstone (sometimes referred to as Sunstone Iolite). Bloodshot Iolite carries the usual properties of Iolite, working with the Third Eye Chakra, and in addition, it opens the Heart Chakra to promote inner strength, steadfastness, courage, bravery and devotion. It helps to inspire and motivate and pushes us forward to manifest our dreams and visions. Bloodshot Iolite supports communication and expression and has powerful creative energies making it a perfect partner for creatives, musicians and artists. It’s believed to be a talisman, against accidents and disasters, for those who wear it.



Anxiety relief, Clarity, Expression

Chalcedony can be found in several colours, each aligning with a different Chakra. All Chalcedony helps calm the mind and soothe emotions, making it useful for stressful or anxious situations. It also supports self-expression and alleviates shyness and social anxiety. It’s also thought to clear mental and creative blocks and inspire new ideas. Physically, it’s believed by some to help reduce inflammation in the body. Chalcedony also makes an excellent meditation partner, encouraging spiritual growth and connection with higher realms of consciousness and the self. White and Lavender varieties connect with the Crown Chakra. Blue Chalcedony works with the Throat Chakra. Pink Chalcedony stones work similarly to Rose Quartz and align with the Heart Chakra, while Yellow Chalcedony works with the Solar Plexus Chakra.



Abundance, Confidence, Creativity

Citrine is the stone of abundance, manifestation and creativity. Its happy vibes are warming and energising and can help us to manifest and attract success and prosperity while teaching us how to share what we have. Citrine is most often associated with wealth and is thought to help increase one’s financial abundance. Citrine boosts self-esteem, confidence, motivation, creativity and optimism and helps us to release negativity as well as habits that no longer serve us. It’s an excellent tool to help with new ideas, self-expression and dispelling self-doubt. It connects with the Solar Plexus Chakra and helps to fight fatigue by increasing energy levels and a sense of well-being.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

Healing, Amplifying, Clarity

Clear Quartz is known as ‘The Master Healer’ and is one of Earth's most versatile and highly programmable crystals. It can be used for any metaphysical purpose and is an excellent meditation tool as it brings clarity and amplification to any energy or intention. Clear Quartz also boosts the powers of other crystals, making it perfect for crystal pairings, combinations and grids. It unblocks, absorbs, stores, releases, cleanses and regulates energy, harmonises all Chakras and raises vibration levels. Clear Quartz is an excellent tool for overall healing and restoring balance and well-being.



Focus, Cognitive function, Protection

Fluorite is a Third Eye and Crown Chakra crystal that boosts self-awareness and spiritual development. It’s an excellent work or study companion as it enhances mental clarity, focus, and concentration. Fluorite is believed to aid in organising thoughts, making decisions, and improving cognitive function. It’s also considered to be a protective stone that can shield against negative energies, psychic attacks and external influences that might affect one's well-being. Fluorite can help to calm chaotic emotions and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. It’s a popular crystal to wear, keep on your desk or as a tool for relaxation and meditation.